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What's Halloween without a good Alien costume and this is a great last minute Halloween Costume, you can make out of a cardboard box and some old opaque nylon stockings. You'll be the best dress extraterrestrial alien trick or treating on the street with this fun up-cycled costume.

DIY Cardboard Alien mask costume for Halloween

To make this Alien mask we used the Skull Head Template and cut lemon shaped eyes out, instead of the skull eye sockets. It's an easy conversion and just needs some nylon stocking stretched over the eyes to create the opaque, but see through eye shapes.

Cardboard Alien Costume

Cardboard template for download to make a Alien Costume

See how to make this fun DIY Alien costume by using our skull template below. You also may want to check out how versatile this template is by check out the original Skull head template blog post here.

Cardboard alien mask costume for halloween or fancy dress

The Materials I used:

The above links are to amazon products we currently use for making cardboard costumes. But please use whatever is available, these are suggestions.

Click Here to Checkout the Pattern to make an Alien Costume

Here's how to make the Alien Mask;

  1. Download and make the Skull Head Template (Just follow the written and illustrated instructions. There is also a video on youtube to help you with the process. Just remember to NOT cut the eyes and nose out used in the template.

  2. Once you have made the Skull mask cut two lemon shaped eye holes with a sharp craft blade.

  3. Find yourself some old opaque (opaque but see through enough to see through when stretched) stockings/nylons and cut yourself a square big enough to be able to stretch over the two eyes.

  4. From the inside of the mask (picture below is a dissection of the inside of the mask.) apply some hot glue above the new eye sockets that you have just cut out.

  5. Using the nylon/stocking gently place the top straight edge of the nylon onto the glue and gently tap it into the glue. Making sure not to burn yourself.

  6. Apply some more hot glue around the bottom sections of the eyes.

  7. Stretch the rest of the stocking down and over the eyes, pressing the stocking into the glue and the bottom of the eyes as you go.

  8. Then cut away your excess stocking.

  9. Add a little detail as well as a nose and mouth with a black marker. Congratulations you have now created an Alien mask out of cardboard.

How to make an alien costume out of cardboard

by Zygote Brown Designs

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Your safety while creating our templates and tutorials is our top priority. Please exercise caution when working with hot glue, sharp blades, and materials like cardboard, which can also have sharp edges. Follow all safety precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable crafting experience. Zygote Brown Designs is not liable for any injuries that may occur during the creation or use of our costumes Users are responsible for taking proper safety measures and using materials safely and responsibly.


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