Thanks to social media and the internet I have people from all around the world following this little blog of mine. A large group of those people are from Mexico. I'm pretty sure I have to start taking Spanish lessons because I spend a lot of time on google translate trying to do my best at reading and responding to the emails. I have received numerous emails and message from my fellow cardboard enthusiast in Mexico, mostly requesting if I'd make a template for a cardboard skull costume for their Day of the Dead celebrations. So here it is.....

The skull also can double up as a halloween skull with cracked eye sockets and big teeth. Because the template comes with a selection of designs that you can cut out and use to decorate. You can choose whatever you like to decorate your skull. It could be for Halloween or a Day of the Dead celebration. There are so many different styles.
The skull can fit a child or adult, as the head support is adjustable, it measures 35cm high, 25cm wide, 28cm deep.
The template is a 10 page pdf that requires a A3 printer
What you will need is:
Single walled cardboard ?
Craft blade
Hot glue
Hot glue sticks
Masking tape
PVA glue or a glue stick
The above affiliate links are to amazon products we currently use for making cardboard costumes. (they may differ from the video) but please use whatever is available, these are suggestions.
The skull head is easy to put together using the template and it's step by step instructions. Watch this quick fun video to see how easy it is to make your very own skull costume using cardboard.
The skull head template can be adapted into three different characters. A sugar skull, a skeleton head or even an Alien costume, for more information check out this blog post HERE

by Zygote Brown Designs